Thursday, February 23, 2012

SUKI-YA at Pavilion with the love

I am back to Suki-Ya and this time I am with Betina. I always love to brought her to new place to eat whenever i discovered one. I just love to see her point of view of the food. We went in during lunch time.






Didn't take much food from the healthy bar. Our main objective is actually whack all the meat - chicken, lamb and beef. Somehow on that day the beef doesn't taste good. Lamb still my all time favorite and chicken is nice too.

 * The beef *
* The lamb *
* The chicken *

There is always time for dessert ;) everyone favorite, Ice Cream!

I love this place so much. However Betina prefer Carry On Restaurant that offer cheaper price and more variety of meat. Well, i agree with her too.


Simple Person said...

I came across this restaurant while I dine @ spasso Milano..
I could agree with Bettina... I prefer those Palau ketam steamboat restaurant.....

Shuwen said...

your post makes me want to try BOTH restaurant :O

Jackie said...

it is worth to try both ;) if u at Melaka, u must try that! Trust me it won't disappointed u :D