Monday, December 13, 2010

Hayaki Cafe

Hayaki Cafe is a new cafe just open recently in my area. It was located on Platinum Walk, just behind Old Town Cafe. Being curious over what are their specialty, i went there with my family. Judge from the name, at first we tod tat gonna b japanese or thai restaurant. However, that shop name prove us wrong.

This were what we got for our lunch :

Kuih Malas. I have no idea what is it but it taste almost like indian rojak. Even d sauce was exactly d same.

Nasi Lemak? I believe every1 here tried nasi lemak b4. Thus nth special on this. I guess some will questioning why the chicken wasnt rendang chicken but is a fried 1.

Chicken Rice. The yellow rice was malay style rice when they served malay chicken rice. Again, the chicken is d same served together wif d nasi lemak. Nth special for me again..

Nasi Kukus with chicken. It seem the sambal was kukus together with the rice. Thus u have no option but to eat the whole rice tat mix together wif the sambal which my mum was complaining it was way too spicy.

Chicken Chop rice with brown sauce. This was actually ordered by me. Thus i believe i can describe d taste in details. I'll say everything is fine except the chicken chop itself. The brown sauce was actually mushroom sauce + black pepper inside. The chicken wasn't a chicken chop, at least for me. The texture, the taste is exactly like a chicken nugget. Yes, i am like eating a giant chicken nugget.

Overall, i whud said i not reli satisfy with the food in this cafe. I believe there will b more better choice at outside with a cheaper price. However since it still new, perhaps they deserve a 2nd chance for improvement? who know