Thursday, December 23, 2010

The Season of the Witch is Here

ok just joking..not this movie poster of this!

Season of the witch

Another magical movie is on air soon! Season of the Witch! Nicolas Cage gonna look damn cool in this movie! Well i alwiz in love with magic and i keep wondering why in reality we dunno magic..sad :(

Courtesy to Nuffnang, all Nuffnanger are given chance to enjoy the premier screening on cinema. To win a pair of invitation, all we have to do is write a blog post titled “The Season of the Witch is Here” and share what scares you the most about witches.

Well for me, there are alot reason why i gonna scare of witches. Among those are :

It is sad that a powerless me getting keep bully by the ugly evil witch T3T...but i believe there is justice in this world. Evil will get punish! Good will rise and fight...Just like Nicolas Cage!

or mayb i can defeat her myself XD