Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hennessy Artistry : SQCC Edition - First Experience

Hola! I just back from a short gateway! Yupz I went all the way to Penang to join Hennessy Artistry at SQCC (Strait Quay Convention Center). Well it is my first experience for alot of things. First experience being driver to Penang, first experience driving 4 hours none stop to Penang, first experience join Hennessy Artistry in Penang and first experience being transporter.

Well, just a quick and short post. Took alot pictures with friends around. It was an awesome night!

* with Nicole *
* with Ashley *
* with Anna *
* with Isaac *
* with Isaac & Choulyin *
* with my sis Samantha *
* with Xiang *

Did a shoot for Suki Low and Lollipop F as well, but gotta filter photos first :3 so stay tune on my blog for the performance part!

p/s more picture in my page :) LIKE my page if you love me ❤


Henry Lee said...

all so hensum n lenglui + not drunk! hahahhaa

Jackie said...

Yay!! :P