My baby Vivi officially send to shop to repair today. No car for me to use this 3 days as she gonna come back fully restore on this coming saturday. Due to tat, i have to took public transport to my uni. It have been 8 months since d last time i took public transport to my uni. Imagine i have to spend 2 hour travel from home to uni through public transport. From Wangsa Maju Putra LRT change to Star LRT Masjid Jamek. Then all d way to Tasik Selatan station and finally wait the freaking never appear shutter bus to arrive.
However, the reason i went to uni today was because my head of department want to meet me. Great! i wanted to see him as well due to some problem in my course selection for next sem. I join up wif Gabriel & Wei Hong. Our appointment with Mr Teh (my HOD) supposely 10am. Upon our arrival, he wasn't there. Thus we went to meet his secretary, Ms Ice for confirmation and she told us he on d way to uni and requested us to come back on 11.30am.
Fine, Me Teh keep asking us be punctual during his lesson and what kind of attitude he showing us now? Well, we dun mind waiting him for 1 and a half hour. Thus we went to Old Town Cafe just for drink and some light breakfast session, joined up by Alan. After 11.30am, we went back to meet him and yet, he wasn't there again. Again, we approach to Ms Ice and i din reli heard what she said but if i m not mistaken she stated that he having some emergency things or meeting and unable to make it come back. Great!
What i wanted to whining here is, i dont care u come late, u got emergency meeting or what-so-ever. But pls be responsible and lemme know whether u r coming onot. Dont waste my time waiting for u as if i very free. Plus is wasn't so convenience for me to come to uni wif public transport. Not to mention it gonna waste my petrol money also if i m driving to there. Honestly i m serious pissed off and dulaness to the max..
As conclusion, we make another appointment wif him next tues, 2pm. Lets hope he is there or else..i gonna show some unhealthy face..
Anyway, my feeling is abit better when i on d way back to my home wif public transport again. I guess is because i am bringing my camera along. It have been 7 months since i bought my Nikon D60. Yea, i never expect from buying this cam for d sake of photography class has become my most expensive hobby now...I seriously get addicted to taking a nice pic. I still dunno whether my pic is nice onot but no one is perfect and i keep seeking my own style in photography now...

* Long exposure effect...though hardly get long exposure on day *

* When the LRT moving... *

* Reflection from the mirror *
As i mention, it have been 7 months since i own my Baby KonKon. All my moment in this 7 months was capture by it. And now i am reli tempted to change the body to D90..but in other point of view telling me not to so rush changing it. I am seriously in dilemma now. Assuming i got the budget to change D90 this end of the year..should i? or i just keep using D60 until i find my own style...?
Ei, I think you should complain to the HOD or whoever is above him. It works for me last time. ^_^
fwoahhh....the reflection pic damn nice...and then the 1st pic with long exposure cun also..Like some super cun movie...LOL
well dude.. for the camera.. D90 will be phasing out soon.. so either you get it now (xmas promotion times, can get free gifts or smtg) or wait till a better one launch out next year.. (sure better wan)
@josh soon de la if he keep pissing me off...i reli dulan him from d 1st day until now lo..LOL
@kristine heh thx...recently i love to play long exposure..hahaha
@jeffro ya i adi made up my mind tat waiting the replacement of D90 release next year august :)..thx dude
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