I joined Nuffnang community on November 2008. Making decision to join Nuffnang was a right choice as I met with alot new friend. It is my first time socialise with others who are from difference places but share mutual interest on blogging.

* Group pics during Standout Party *

* 1Koolz team was formed during Digi Pimp My Day event *

* Group pics during Nuffnang Awards *
For more event, screening or party by Nuffnang, click here ;)
Besides being photography enthusiastic, I love smartphones/tablet too. For me, those device are my tools for me to stay connect and social with my friends from time to time. I have done several review for cameras and smartphones too in my blog, feel free to check out!
Besides being photography enthusiastic, I love smartphones/tablet too. For me, those device are my tools for me to stay connect and social with my friends from time to time. I have done several review for cameras and smartphones too in my blog, feel free to check out!

- We all are traveler for our own journey -
Jackie Loi
Jackie Loi