* My very first LCD screen monitor T__T *

* The whole set wif the old table *
Finally, after spending almost 4 years on my Acer Travelmate 2410 laptop, i bought a new pc for myself. Why new pc? well i gonna using 3d software for my study starting next year. Thus i need a better specifications of the hardware so that the software could work properly.

* My Acer Travelmate 2410..the color on the casing wash out adi =( *

* FYI, my laptop casing was cracked. So basically it cant fold anymore unless i force it.. *
See, within a week i just got myself a new pc and new camera lens. Probably alot of u tod i won a lottery or whatsoever. I wish i am so that the money i spend wont feel hurt T___T..oh well, for my future career, i gotta do it. Same goes to photography. I am still thinking whether i should volunteer myself as freelance photographer. I know i still need practice more...
p/s in case some of u still dunno or din follow my twitter, i am one of the winner for Dell Inspiron 13 competition that held by Dell & Nuffnang last month. Thats mean i am getting myself another new laptop! yay!! =D
wah friend u hv a nice blog here, nice to meet u, u r welcome to my hse, i would like to share my happiness n knowledge to u ;-)
朋友您好,你的家很美咧,欢迎也到我家做客,我想分享我的喜悦与知识给你, ;-)
yes...while you were in penang...You won dell. wtf! Told you not to join d what...join d..you win..I got ntg..*sighs*
@yoga thx
@kristine LOL wtf like tat blame me also can T____T...
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