On the last day of our Penang Trips, our final stop is Ipoh! The main motive to stop by Ipoh is because they all wanna eat Taugeh Chicken. My first impression on the Taugeh Chicken before i saw the real thing was, is either the taugeh on top the chicken or trying to be smartass, i even imagine the possibility that the chicken filling was taugeh.

* we went to this shop *
However, my creativity prove me wrong. I m too imaginative..LOL!!

* Taugeh *

* ayam *
Yes! That so called Taugeh Chicken was...seperate that 2 word la dumbo! 1 plate of Taugeh and 1 plate of chicken. GODDAMMIT! i reli kena boom kao kao when the dishes was served in front my eyes -_-...anyway, it still nice. The chicken was damn smooth.

* Pork Ball *

* The famous Ipoh specialist, Ipoh Hor Fun *
Then we went to another biscuit shop that located behind the Taugeh Chicken shop to buy ipoh fehmes biscuit. I bought myself a package of White Coffee (if u follow my twitter recently u know i m suffering drinking it -___-) and Kuih Kapik wif Pork Floss. It seriously damn nice to eat though d price kinda expensive. I eat none stop on the first bite on it =D.

* Yee Thye *

* Inside was full wif biscuit *

* Kuih Kapik with Pork Floss *

* White Coffee *
Next, the drivers claimed need some refreshment to increase their consciousness because they too sleepy adi to drive. Thus we went to another shop to drink White Coffee. So called Ipoh best white coffee la..LOL

* We went to the Sin Yoon Loong *

* White coffee. Same like old town 1 -_- *
When we almost done with our drinks, rain heavily outside cause us to delay our journey. Well, since cant go back, it was a pics moment in the coffee shop.

* Your truly *

* Speak no DIU, Hear no FOOD & See no SCALLOP *
Thats all my whole 3 days 2 nights journey & experience in Penang. It was great and i definitely will come back again in future!
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