Date : 11th Nov 09 (Wed)
Time : 9.30pm
Venue : Cathay Cineplex Cineleisure
Time : 9.30pm
Venue : Cathay Cineplex Cineleisure

Went to 2012 Premier Screening last nite. Courtesy of Nuffnang for the tics =). It was an awesome movie! with all d visual effect & 3d they did, it look realistic enuf to convince audiences about what happening in d movie.

* My passes *
Went to collect my passes from Nuffnang booth exactly on 8.30pm. Then went to Mc D coz yen desperately wan ice-cream though i told her NO..LOL

* Chocolate Sundae... *

* Tried to on9 at Mc D..but wifi *

* and she emo coz of her ugly name tag WTF *
and as i expected, there are security checked for d movie and all electronic stuff not allowed to bring in. Being no choice, i have to hand out my phone, my camera & laptop..
anyway, lets enjoy the summary of this movie :
Disaster movie maven Roland Emmerich (Independence Day, The Day After Tomorrow) crafts this apocalyptic sci-fi thriller following an academic researcher who opens a portal into a parallel universe, making contact with his double in an effort to prevent the catastrophic prophecies of the ancient Mayan calendar from coming to pass. According to the Mayan calendar, the world will come to an end on December 21, 2012. When a global cataclysm thrusts the world into chaos, divorced writer and father Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) uses his knowledge of the ancient prophecies to ensure that the human race is not completely wiped out. Chiwetel Ejiofor, Danny Glover, Amanda Peet, Thandie Newton, and Oliver Platt round out the cast of this end-of-the-world thriller co-scripted by the director and his 10,000 B.C. writer/composer, Harald Kloser. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide
it was worth my time for this movie eventhough i m tired from working! oh yes i officially started to work yesterday =P..anyway back to the movie. i love d way how director portrait 2 main character in d movie which are Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) & Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor). I admit that the CGI was awesome as well especially the tsunami! Kick ur ass to cinema and watch it rather than listen my opinion. It guarantee worth ur ass & money :)

* Jackson Curtis *

* Jackson Curtis Family *

* Adrian Helmsley *

* President US who sacrifice his life with others *

* doomsday~ *

* Earthquake and coz the ground crack *

* Tsunami *

* Building is collapsing *
the movie was 2.5 hours long..totally pain in asses sitting there..hahaha..but it seriously worth it :).. after finish movie i went to claim back my belonging at d counter. Thanks god everything was there

* Finally, a pic with my guest of the day, Yen *
Thanks again to Nuffnang for the awesome movie! =)
EHH ur friend at greys.. i think i'm gonna join greys for internship as well.. probably...
I thou u wan to *derma* your laptop to security XD
Nice movie. Gonna watch it after final paper for this sem next Wednesday.
I love John Cusack. he is juz so SUCK! xD
@bryan ohh i see..she also intern la..LOL..until end of this year
@spec derma when i m too rich
@tony yay just watch it! damn nice! =D
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