* In front the gate of Lost World... *
After finish our double lunch in Kampur, we moved to Tambun that located at Sunway City Ipoh for the Lost World. It was a place where zoo, theme park & wet park united into 3 in 1..LOL!..1 Adult tic cost Rm30. Sigh, i m an adult now..T___T

* 7 Adult tics...sigh *

* The wet park *

* Swing swing *

* The pirate ship *
Well, not much theme park to play actually..just 4 types which are the swing swing, another swing swing wif aeroplane design, pirate ship & mary go around..LOL! we just play the swing swing & pirate ship.

* Waiting our turn to enter Pirate Ship *

* Camwhore inside pirate ship *

* Uh, that guy gonna vomit soon *
After that we went to Petting Zoo area. There was a big area that covered wif fences & lake that contain 3 tigers. They look so damn huge & strong. Nearby there, we even saw goose around.

* Herbivore tiger who ate grass..LOL *

* And this dude can swim very well *

* 2 Annoying geese *

* Some landscape pic *

* And of coz! Camwhore! =P *
Then we come across a path where covered by glasses & reptiles such as lizard & snake was put inside there. Those lizard & snake so damn big in size!

* This snake quite huge eh *

* Beware! Lizard below my feet! *
We even saw a small section of bird farm after the Reptile section.

* Peacock *

* White peacock? *

* Chasing chicken little...WTF *
Later we came across 2 monkey! 1 was tie on the tree & another 1 was in the cage. The 1 on the tree was very cute & tame while the 1 in the cage got horny after look at yvonne. It go and pose and show off his dudu & butt to yvonne...LOL! WTF

* The small monkey *

* AKU *

* Poser Monkey! *
Next is some bird & goat section around the zoo.

* Goat *

* Parrot *

* They said there got crocodile where i highly doubt. But no one dare approach there ... *
After a quite distance of walking, we back to the main entrance and we saw a lake where we allowed to catch Ikan Longkang (Longkang Fish). Trying to amused ourself, each of use took the net to catch it. I cant believe it that our Shun Tze Plan of War failed to capture even a single fish! HsienHooi even said "Sei Chun! (Idiot)! Go buy fish food and lure them then we go catch it!"..and *jeng jeng jeng*, our this joker really went to bought fish food and still...failed to catch a single fish! not to mention fail to catch, cant even lure a single fish out to eat d bait...hahaha..

* Catching fish scenerio #1 *

* The Longkang Fishes *

* Catching fish scenerio #2 *

* Here come our Joker wif fish bait *

* Catching fish scenerio #3 *

* and finally..give up *
But nevertheless, some of them really did some crazy things with the pets...

* i think tat snake got 2m long..Wailoon look so scare..haha *

* And he lagi scare *
Well, thats all our journey in Lost World of Tambun. We din go to wet park because none of us brought clothes for it. Too bad huh..pay Rm30 just to enter and amused ourself catch Longkang Fish only..hahaha..but well, it was fun experience & moment to spend wif friends =)
Not to miss the group pic 7 of us =)

* Inside petting zoo *

* In front the Wet Park *
After the Lost World of Tambun, we went to Penang. It cost 2 hours plus driving to there and respect to my friend who can TAHAN so long the journey..! haha

* Taken at Penang Bride *
To Be Continued...
Ooh im going there too in Dec! It's actually like Sunway Lagoon is it...?
i'll say it was a mini version of sunway lagoon lo...nth much to play except c zoo n wet park..LOL
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