What so good about Edward Cullen? Handsome? Vampire? A handsome vampire? Bullshit! I think Chris the Dudu Vampiric Man more handsome or at least, better than Edward Cullen..Ok, mayb he lost in terms of height..XP

* Behold! The Master of all Vampire! *
Back to main business. I still remember i watched the first Twilight movie wif my gf last year. It was totally out of my expectation of this movie. I suppose it was a semi romance and semi action but ended up,..it was totally romance movie! ok.mayb 1/100 of the scene was action which not violence at all..haha..however thumb up for the romance between Edward & Belle, a love in between human & vampire.

* Edward & Belle *
What make me love about this movie was it not only involve conflict between vampire only, but werewolf as well! Jacob Black was introduce on the first season and *jeng jeng jeng*, he was reveal as werewolf (or mayb fully wolf?) in this New Moon season.

* Howling at the New Moon! *

* Jacob! He look not bad rite? no? =P *

* Jacob Henshin to Were..err...wolf...so cute rite? =D =D *
Not to mention i cant wait the triangle love in between Edward, Jacob & Belle. Lets see who gonna kick whose ass..Edward or Jacob? I wonder would it be battle in between Werewolf & Vampire like Underworld movie? =P
Courtesy of Nuffnang for having contest for premiere screening of New Moon. Hope i m lucky enuf to win the tics so that i can bring my gf to watch the second installment of Twilight =)

* Cant wait to catch up all the hot actor/actress in d movie =) *
hahaha the pic of chris.. i like.. and YES jacob not bad!! better den edward loh to me.. lol..
@haha yes! Jacob FTW!
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