Thanks to Warren & Weng Lau again for becoming our driver that night, we successfully reached Batu Feringgi without failed. That night was kinda windy and cold. But i love d feeling my hair been blown by wind..muahahaha~

* Beside the beach, Batu Feringgi *

* Hotel behind the beach. Forgot the name *

* Me, likey this feeling~ *
I brought tripod along to play will low exposure and even catch Frank & Yvonne be my lab rat. Unfortunately outcome turn out not as expected.

* My lab rats *
Thanks to HsienHooi & Sooyan for bringing all the BBQ tools. Thanks to WaiLoon for "jaga api" for us. Thanks for Sooyan & Andrienne for poking all the food ready to BBQ. Should i thanks myself too for being the photographer? =P

* Setting up the BBQ Stroll *

* Warren who set up the fire *

* Since the fire is up, group pic here =P *

* Meatball, hotdog, and corn that wrapped in aluminum foil*

* waiting the things to cook out *

* And time to EAT! *

* Posing with the 'chef' *

* Credits to wailoon for all the food that night =P *

* When the wind blow, fire getting bigger *

* The lover *

* "We sworn with our sword that we'll protect our BBQ base!" *

* Another group pic *

* Wailoon & me *
After finished our food. Everyone become very eager to be in in my camera. Thus all of us did alot stu stuff beside the beach while every1 looking on our sakainess...

* X Jump! *

* I'll be laughing if his pant tear at d moment *

* i know it look hilarious *

* Fail to do Rider Kick T__T *

* speechless on this... *

* Buddha jump the wall *

* I know love is mulia~ *
Well thats all for our day 2 trips. It was full wif eating. tummy is expanding T__T

* Good night...ZZzZzZzzz *
To Be Continued on day 3...
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