* Black Berry Storm & Bold *
On that day itself, Celcom prepared 150 units (expand to 300 units later) of Bold 9700 for sales with the price of 50% off. But of coz, need to purchase the line package as well. As expected, that day itself was crowded as everyone dowan miss the opportunity to grab the babeh back home.

* The crowd *
Around 4.30pm, the launch officially started with welcome remarks by our emcee. After that, three 007 girls brought out a briefcase that contain BlackBerry Bold 9700 and Storm 9520. The event was officially launch by all the Celcom executive officers.

* The Emcee *

* 007 Girls *

* All the executive officer with the BB on hands! *

* Closer view *

* The first 4 buyer of BB Bold 9700 *
Next was a speech by Dato'Sri Shazali Ramly regarding future development and market of BlackBerry. OF coz, there are some Q&A session by reporters and media.

* Dato'Sri Shazali Ramly *
The launch end around 5pm. I can foresee BlackBerry is a very successful products as i can see most of my friends who love internet media owned one each of them. What about me? i still prefer Nokia XP..
Anyway, BlackBerry Bold 9700 are available in all blue cube store! Go grab it now! BlackBerry Storm 9520 will available around early February.
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