I went there with Jacq around 5.15 and the environment already crowded that time. Not to mention that area was jam (full with car parked at yellow line) and was rain quite heavily. Best thing is, there was a rules restricted list of items that cant bring in. Umbrella and DSLR are one of them.
But since the weather is bad tat day, i expected there will b exception where allowed us bring in the umbrella. Fortunately, the first batch of sakai who rushing and pushing in when the fences was opened manage to brought in their umbrella. I was stuck in 2nd batch ppl who unable to go in due to those babarian act and the guard block them from going in. Later the guard dun allowed me to bring in the umbrella when they opened back the fences. Ok i know rules are meant to be follow, but! rule are meant to be broken also la! c'mon it was raining and the club door not even open yet (we was standing in front the club entrance until 7pm..under rain, without umbrella). The guard was kinda rude and he throw away my umbrella like nobody business..MCB!

* Waiting the entrance to open. See the first batch ppl wif umbrella? *
So as i mentioned earlier, every1 was waiting in front the club entrance regardless back or front to wait d door officially open under d rain. That point where everyone start act babarian..not queue up, push each other and even a girl (i think younger than me) elbowed me all d way on my hand, chest and tummy when they pushing to get in the club..MCB! Queue up la! DIU! I feel like slap tat girl who elbowed me..she knew she elbowed me but still pretend like nth happen and continue elbowed me with her skinny elbow..
So the club entrance officially opened on 7pm where the environment was a mess. No line to queue (where i think Nokia management should prepare a guide line for them to queue from the begining instead every1 simply stand and elbow/push/rider kicking each other)and every1 rampaging to go in as if can kiss boy like girl instantly.
Ok i kinda understand why everyone rushing to go in. For most them i knew they want to get the coupon to buy X6 with RM66 price coz i heard the coupon was limited. As i expected, the coupon just limited to 3000 pieces. Thus alot of us unable to get it except Sam & Victoria. I dun mind for not getting the coupon as in i admit i am not the lucky first 3000 people..but what i dislike is..the rules said only those who followed dress code (which is pink or blue) only able to get the coupon. From my observation, those who din follow the dress code got themself the coupon as well. MCB! See! This rules Nokia management broke it! kanasai -__-

* Crowded.. *

* Counter where the coupon given out *
As usual, since there are singer performance and was free entrance, alot babarian fans & sakai join the event which make the whole environment very uncivilized. YES! I mentioned before in my previous AAR Concert post tat i hate underage uncivilized kids..so same goes to this case. To be honest i regret to join this thingy..the whole environment cause me no mood to stay and enjoy the concert. Thus, i went out together with Jeffro, Jacq, Alex & Bern for dinner at SS2.
I swear i am not joining any free admission event where involve all this kind of environment anymore..kinda hate it when those babarian act actually reflected to our malaysian..
*jeng jeng jeng*..bad traffic at bukit kiara when we came out from the event. Look how those pathetic idiot ppl drive..damn genius la..no wonder jam!

* See where the car heading to? *
And thanks to this event..i can buy a new shoe ;D

* My not even a year shoe.. *
boikot nokiaaaa!
eh but u using nokia phone. then lets boikot the events only lorr :(
WAH, I can't believe that's your shoe! I thought I'm the only one who worn out shoes very quickly! :P
The guards shouldn't throw your umbrella even though umbrellas aren't allow to bring along to the event. Still, it's kinda rude though!
bad management. but i support nokia phone since all these while use nokia phone. get used to it d. hehe
@jacq boikot nokia but not my phone! XP
@eva LOL my shoe koed halfway tat day..damn sad..yea d guard very rude..feel like smack him XD
@vun LOL phone nice management sucks =P
Omg, how to drive like that? HAHAHHA.. Face-to-face the cars. ROFL. and, no phone, but new shoes. Not bad.
Probably, you should only join events like Nuffnang's one where you got to do something to get in. Then it would be so much better. lucky i didn't go to this nokia event >.<
@michi yea la they genius sial..LOL
yea lo i'll nv join free admission event again -__-..damn disappointed
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