Date : 25th Jan 10 (Mon)
Time : 9.00pm
Venue :TGV 1 Utama
Time : 9.00pm
Venue :TGV 1 Utama

Courtesy to Nuffnang, i got to watch Tooth Fairy for free! Although it wasn't premier screening, but as long as free, who care? =P...i brought Victoria Pang aka ABC as my guest.
Before the screening, me, Jacq & Xiang went for dinner at KFC. I ate dinner adi b4 that but the smell of KFC in addition i am KFC fanatic cause me unable to stand it and grab to eat. LOL..i ordered Zinger Tower burger. To b honest i rarely eat burger in kfc and i never had a Zinger Tower b4..Thus this is what in the burger, a meat & a hashbrown..

* Zinger Tower Burger *
Well, lets look on the movie summary
Dwayne Johnson is “The Tooth Fairy,” also known as Derek Thompson, a hard-charging hockey player whose nickname comes from his habit of separating opposing players from their bicuspids. When Derek discourages a youngster’s dreams, he’s sentenced to one week’s hard labor as a real tooth fairy, complete with the requisite tutu, wings and magic wand. At first, Derek “can’t handle the tooth” – bumbling and stumbling as he tries to furtively wing his way through strangers’ homes…doing what tooth fairies do. But as Derek slowly adapts to his new position, he begins to rediscover his own forgotten dreams.
Seriously this is so far the best movie for me in this month! Good job for Dwayne Johnson! The none stop comedy in this movie make all audience laugh like mad. In addition, the story line was great as well, unlike those lame crack joke movie without proper storyline. There was a part i touched when Derek who give up and depressed after failed to score in his game.

* When he begin to received summons.. *

* Doing his job as tooth fairy *
Overall, awesome movie! Now, I DEMAND U ALL GO AND WATCH IT! muahahahah!
thanks for bring me to the screening, boss aka doremi ;)
nice meeting you again on tat day. haha
Thanks for the ride too! ;)
p/s: fuahhh! Zinger burger~ *drooling*
i wanna try the burger @_@ haha
@vic u r welcome ;)
@vun nice to meet u too
@joshua u r welcome
@mui go go go! =P
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