* The interior *

* The wishing board *

* Tiger beer *

* Should write Gong Wo Fatt Chai but accidentally wrote Gong Xi Fat Chai T_T *

* Group pic with friends *

* Our dinner table. All food were miniature..so cute *

* Spotted Esther used Canon S90, a compact cam that i wanted to get as 2ndary camera but no money..FML T__T *

* No pic with late comer, thus i camwhore with them *
Well, when come to Tiger year, Tiger Beer event, what cant we miss out? Of coz our traditional Lion Dance! Opss wait, this year not lion turn yet, *jeng jeng jeng*! We had a Tiger Dance in this event! This is my first time in my life see Tiger Dance! Wooopss! Can we have doggie dance in future? XD

* TIGER!! *

* Tiger dance #1 *

* Tiger dance #2 *

* Tiger dance #3 *

* Yummmm senngggggg~!! *
Well, the event is not all about Tiger Dance only, they also prepared a sifu to teach everyone how to become rich and wo/mannizer! They invited a feng shui sifu, Joey Yap for the speech and he gave alot tips for all audience how to be rich and successful throughout year 2010. His speech was divided into 2 session which was after the Tiger Dance & after the quiz game.

* Joey Yap *
Later was a performance by Candy Chia and a group of band, performing all type of classical songs.

* The band *

* Candy Chia *
Next was a game session. Few audience including bloggers been selected to join the game and they divided into 4 groups of 4 ppl in each group. Well, if u see any quiz game show b4, u'll know what is this about.

* From left : Metal Tiger, Winning Tiger, Blue Tiger & Tai Lo's *
For the final question for them, each of them required to make a tiger winning strike (something like tat). The best group will automatically win (they gain 50 makrs and others group will deduct 50 marks..cool?). Well, the winner goes to Winning Tiger team! Their rap kinda cool! =P

* Roar tiger roarr! *

* Liang chi lao hu liang chi lao hu~ *

* Thomas act as the long leg Tiger *
Finally, the long awaiting session, lucky draw!! Sadly my num almost been called out..only 1 digit difference T__T..

* Lucky draw *

* One of the lucky winner *
Nevertheless, the event was rockss!! Thanks to Tiger Beer again and not forgetting, buaYat for the invitation! ;)

* Tiger
it's winning tiger le, not tiger wood -.-
haha ok..just changed XP..thx for reminding
ahahahaha Tocktock ROARing..LOL
Tockism roarrrr? =P
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