It have been 3rd week since year 2010. How is everyone life? mine still as awesome as i can since uni not much assign for me yet XP. Nowdays i have been desperate for gadgets (OMFG). Oh yes i am desperate >,<.. Start from mobile phone,the choices in my mind are *jeng jeng jeng*

* my current ideal phone.. *
SE Aino capture my heart when i first look on it!the design reli chun! unfortunately the phone wasn't fully touch screen..the marks have been deducted by me due to that reason T___T...Palm? I wonder any of u heard this brand b4. Even myself heard it for the first time through yingzi. According to her it was a very good product as in they running their own Paln OS. I wanted to get the Palm Pre Plus which only going to release in verizon by this month, 25th..i wonder when malaysia only available this beauty :(..finally, if the above 2 product out from my choice, i want Nokia N97 Mini! This phone won my heart over as well when it first time release! As you can see, i am required for full touch screen phone and i gonna use is as heavy multimedia used especially internet connection!
Why not apple iphone or blackberry? not interested =P..and too expensive for me for iphone and blackberry keypad too small for a huge thumb like me :(
Second, *jeng jeng jeng*..though iphone expensive but i wan Ipod Touch! LOL~~!!

* itouch VS iphone in my heart.. *
I know it was exactly like iphone, just tat cant sms and dial. But hey! Can on9 what! what attract me most is the map thingy like gps! suitable for me who alwiz get lost around kl...but need on9 only can use..FML..nevertheless, i still wan it! hmmp!
Next, i wanted to upgrade my dslr body. Currently the only nikon body i can afford is D90. It have been 2 years in market and it's pricing still d same!

* Nikon D90 FTW! *
However, rumors D90 replacement will out this year (either February or August). According to Thom Hogan, it will announced on August 2010, and probably called a D8000 in order to conform to Nikon's new naming conventions. So, what changes from a D90?
- A new sensor (e.g. not 12mp Sony). What sensor, I'm not sure
- A new focus sensor, likely a simplified derivative of the D300's
- Yep, more video capabilities (sensing a theme?)

* Who is the
D8000 VS D90 hmmm..i'll get more review 1st before getting it. Tats mean i only upgrade it when d replacement out. Seem like not any soon matter :(
In addition, i wanna get Canon S90 as my secondary camera!! sometime i reli lz to grab my dslr to go yumcha or movie screening...unfortunately this cam too expensive =(

* Canon S90 babehhh! *
Finally, with a new body (after i upgrade it of coz), i want a new lens! Currently they are 2 lens in my mind which are...

* Tamron SP AF17-50MM F2.8 XR Di II LD Aspherical (IF ) *

* Tokina AT-X 116 PRO DX 11-16mm f/2.8 *
Yes! I know this are every1 ideal lens :P...cant afford the tokina..too expensive =(..guess i'll just use tammy for a long term until i can aford to continue upgrade my this expensive hobby..
Overall, this are all the stuff i wish to get in this year though i know impossible. My current financial status only allowed me get a new mobile phone, D90 + Tammy lens..after that i will official PK & in process of kedekut sial babi. Or mayb i hope someone who kind enough to get me one of the items above as my birthday present? =P...ok i m dreaming..~~~
maybe you can wait longer for Nokia N900. haha. but N97 mini really mini. slightly smaller than N97. but the keypad really small. not suitable for big fingers like mine too. haha
@vun N900 dunno will release in asia onot...LOL..but i think i m fine wif N97 mini..XP
N97 mini rawks!
joshua yes i know! but now i wan N900! XP
lol. if you can wait. maybe ask fren to import loh
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