* Tong shui *
Pn Chew is really a great teacher who treat relationship with student importantly. This can been seen when the amounts of students that visit her house every year increase from year to year (from 1st generation batch until today).

* First time see smoked meat in such cute package and size *
Have fun chit chatting wif her while gossiping about student pirvacy..haha. In d same time, she seem dun believe joe still single. She even offer few of her student to joe..haha..what a great teacher v had.

* Her daughter who know sweep floor wei *
I grab an opportunity to shoot few of her daughter, Ying Le pics. Well, it was natural shoot, no posing and instruction given. It need time, patient and correct timing to press the shutter ;D

* Ok mayb this is posing.. *

* Epic cute d way she ate smoked meat *

* She even can drink 100 plus..LOL *
We hanged out there for around 1 and half hours. After visiting her, we departed to our next destination, Melaka!

* Group pic. I look so fat..thx to CNY T__T *
I'll definitely visit her again next year CNY ;D
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