* 1-2-3 typical asian pose *

* he even spam on me..wtf *
Had fun hanging up with them whole night. As usual, i love them so much! We are not a large gang of people which make no mass-simply-shoot-conversation. We can communicate through one channel :D. Throughout the whole night, Frank is the main victim been bullied by Vic and Yvonne..haha poor him been teased none stop since Penang trips about the "Piang, Liang, Chiang" accent.

* Get attracted by the double mirror *

* Camwhore *
Got to know some latest news as well that Vic just broke up wif his gf. If i not mistaken it was 2~3 years relationship. Which kinda reflected me and my gf, where we gonna celebrate our 3rd years anniversary on 14th feb. Accprding to them, couple usually feel bored after coupled for 4~5 years..hmm i doubt. This is a very subjective issue anyway, depend individual. Of coz i hope the love in between me and my gf is eternally forever.

* Satay as supper *

* Posing with foods and drinks *
Well, seem he lost someone who he used to love before but he still can made it as if nth happened and continue pursuit him dream, i kinda envy on him. I wonder what and who i am if i put myself in his situation. But life still need go on rite? Plus i had alot grateful friends around me who really i can rely on when i need them ;)

* Final toss with the boy who gonna leave us *
Final word from me, all d best to Vic in aussie! Who know you gonna bring back a ang mo gf (from last night joke) who called Victoria? Victor & Victoria..cool rite? haha

* We ROCKS coz still keep in touch after primary life..13 years friendship yo *
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