Cool design rite? i wonder who design it XP..i also wan a Kamen Rider Clevis design for tat! hahaha..The birthday party was placed ar Zoe house, located at Taman Midah. There are more than 30 guests invited for this Milkshake Birthday Party. Majority i know who is it =P
Well, all guest are required to bring their own ice cream to blend it. Tats y this party call Milkshake..err, to be honest my first time drink ice-cream blended..LOL..I even requested Zoe to mix the vanilla, strawberry & chocolate ice cream and blend in all together..outcome? damn rojak -__-

* Blending Ice-cream.. *
Well, lets my pics speak from now on..

* I found out most of their expression look funny in this pic *

* Game session. We are given a word and need give hints to others by using gesture. No voice are allowed *
Oh yea, i did few video shooting. First video is a ice breaking session while d 2nd video is..read d title by urself =P..haha
Some pics of the guests on that night

* Poser *
Not to forget, the final pic, group pic =D

* Group pic *
Today is Xiang exact birthday, Happy Birthday to u! And Zoe birthday fall on 10th feb, Happy Birthday in Advance to u :D
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