I believe everyone was waiting for this greatest disaster movie, titled 2012! As everyone know, according to the Mayan calendar, the world will come to an end on December 21, 2012! Why it end so soon!!! I gonna graduate on tat year =(..plus i havent marry...and i havent celeb Christmas for that day T__T..
Anyway, in conjunction with the movie, Sony Pictures is having an online contest for the public to share what you would like to keep in a TIME CAPSULE to survive 2012’s disaster and continue to inspire future generation. You can logon to www.2012.com.my for further info and join the contest =D
So what did i put in d time capsule? For me, friends & families very importance. What else can replace them when they are not around you? Yes u got in! I gonna store my friends & families in the time capsule!! muahahaha..if i reli got that giant time capsule..LOL

* A compilation of pics me with my friends.. *

* Thats the time capsule... *
And here we go! I gonna bury that together with my friends so that all of us know the location!

* Bury in the location that only we know =) *
and when the times come...here come the great disaster that gonna kill all of us..or mayb not? i wanna survive =(..

* and here come the disaster.. *

When the brand new world born..and anyone of us manage to survive, yes, we definitely head to the location we bury the time capsule together and dig it out. And this gonna be a moment to remembered..

* Only survival could see this pic again..and my blog name =P *
So, thats gonna be an item i'll store inside time capsules. Friends & Families =)
Thanks Nuffnang for giving away tics for this movie =D
haha...the 4th picture very cute! Nice!
hoho, very interesting!!
sure can win liao lol, you should add Nuffnang inside leh...
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