Haji Samuri. My first impression on it.."Hah? Haji Samurai?"..LOL..i know i m lame. Anyway friends that attending on tat day are :
Phew, total 16 of us. We order alot sticks of sate until myself also ate 15 sticks in total. For d price, RM0.60 for chicken n beef and RM0.90 for goat meat. I guess that price kinda standard. Most of them said the sauce was d best instead of d sate itself. Too bad i dun have chance to try out d sauce coz i used to eat things without mixing any sauce. Well, original taste is d best for me =P

* The Sauce *

* Sate *
And here some pics during they eating. Some sort like a collection of WTF photo =P
And some random WTF pics about Josh, Sam & Jeffro.
Finally, a group pic before all of us head back. My camera battery die off when we just about to leave =(
3 more days to go for SG! Wooohoo! I am so excitedddd!! =D =D
holaaaa. our kajang outing.. finally :)
You really like to CAMWHORE lah WTF.
Why the contrast of the last pic seems too over? LOL
Awesome stuff =)
finally can steal pics lol
@kim yay!!! Sate Kajang rocks!
@tony yes i love camwhore =P..d contrast ah..ask d pic owner dun ask me =P
@sam haha u can ask me from msn d pics..LOL
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