* The flower surrounded d light. It is Deepavali symbol *

* Variety of kuih-muih or whatever it called *
Since i m earliest at there, i waited them to reach his house. Not much ppl came this year and d only from SHS are Joe, Tee, Yong, Eric & Teoh. Seriously it have been few years since d last time i met Eric. I nv expect to met him again.

* Kavia, the host of d open house *

* Eric & Tee *

* Yong & Eric *
And we are served various food by Kavia dad. Thanks to his dad for being our chef every year =). It was delicious

* Muttu Mayam *

* Curry Chicken *

* Super Spicies till can die Prawn *
We hang out his house for few hours before his next guest arrived. Well, eventhough it seem normal outing, but for me it was meaningful to be able to spend time wif old time friends.
p/s now i m wondering are they all d 1 who changing or i am d 1 changing to becoming more ignorance. If yes, is it true or positive? i wanna know...
haha coz is very small 1..LOL
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