* That silly birthday boy *

* Camwhore wif them *
She invited few of us for the party (and i tod it was free thus i join..but...LOL)..

* Yes thats me & Hayder *

* Grace & Michelle *

* The "FE"male *

* and the male *

* A group pic b4 food arrive *
Oh well, it was my first time been in Luna Bar. It can considered as open air type bar for me plus nice scenery from upper floor. From our above view is a KL Tower and outside view is KLCC.

* KL Tower *

* KLCC view *
After sat there for few hours with my stomach starving like hell (din reli get much dinner) plus some vodka drinks on that night, finally Carmen brought out her hunney cake to surprise Max.

* His cake *
And as usual, young man blood damn easily stimulated & boiled. They requested Carmen to kiss her hunney. As a photographer of that night, how can i miss the view? =P..ok i m jealous in d same time..no gf kiss me on my birthday..LOL!!

* Children below 18 are advisable to view together with parent guardian *

* The couple *

* I dunno what cake is this..Choco? *
Well, i end my post with another group pics before my cam battery run out. It is fun hanging around with them though i just get to know most of them on that night itself.

* Group pic *
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