Anyway, here we go! JUICE Magazine's 7th Anniversary Party!!! Well from my previous post, i mentioned before that i shopped a shirt for this event because....THE THEME FOR THIS EVENT WAS NEON, COLORFUL + SHADE! LOL!! I was like WTF when i heard shade. I wonder will i reli pokai inside d club if i really wear a shade...haha

Anyway, a courtesy thanks to Jess for reserving a VIP tic for me =). I went this event wif Ken and this is my first time been in Euphoria MOS.

* Jess who working at reception counter *
I kinda love the stage lighting, so colorful and NEON giler!! However i having big time sucks in adjusting my flash because the environment lighting keep changing..OK mayb i m still too noob in using my flash..hahaha

* The stage and lighting *
Met alot awesome bloggers again this time. We almost met once a week nowadays..hahaha

* Jess & the girls *
The full time emcee of the day, JoeyG

* Neon shade! cool! *
and the event started by Adidas Fashion Show where all the model wearing Adidas product and their face was decorated..LOL

Next, JoeyG asked few audiences to went up the stage to perform their own creativity catwalk. The best catwalk was determined by the loudness of cheering from others audiences.

Later, is Best Dress Competition (WTF! I reli nv expect got this competition..haha). The requirement for this contest was must be outstanding (wore neon or colorful color + shade). So without hesitating, all of us, bloggers drag ChrisTock onto the stage! hahahahaha!! He was so damn shy at first but then power of friendship saved his ass! He automatically won champion for the conpetition...hahahaha..Bloggers rocks the party!

* Chris claiming we all force him went up to the stage *

* and he is the champion! wee *

* With other winners *
and here the video of ChrisTock. Credits to Joshua.
Meanwhile, there was another game session WHICH-I-DUNNO-WHAT-IS-THAT because i went to Simon won 1 dozen Krispy Kreme voucher from that game. Again, Bloggers rocks the party!

* Simon and his prize *
In addition, an unknown singer who i suspect s/he is ah kua came on the stage and performed. I wonder is there really some1 listen s/he sing. According to Griza, s/he moved too much that her 'thing' fell out several times.

The last game for this event was anyone who had neon colour dress, a shade, any adidas item and wearing a watch and came on the stage first will won a 1st prize which is 3 days 2 night to Pulau Langkawi. Griza was the first one who run to the stage before a guy. Unfortunately she couldn't won the first prize because :
I only have neon colour thing (the top im wearing) and a pair of sunnies.adapted from Griza blog.
Instantly i have people around me throwing me stuff (wen pink just threw me her bag with addidas keychain and my bro took out his watch) and all of them pushed me up on stage :S i was quite blur and i did not know whats happening at that moment!
I was the first to be on stage but i did not win the first prize (3days 2nights in Langkawi) because i wasnt wearing the watch! i was holding it in my hand haha so i came second
Owh so sad!! However she won herself a 2X taster try climbing session, 2X basic wall course and 2X 10 concession passes. And AGAIN and AGAIN, Bloggers rocks the party!!
After the party, we went to yumcha + supper at Ming Tien Restaurant that located nearby MOS. Jess become our tour guide that night because....

* Yeah, coz she holding that thing..hahaha *
Well, Bloggers rocks the restaurant too! hahahahhaha

* Us at Ming Tien *
and lastly, here a group pic again
your truly, Jackie Loi

Coming up next, Chapter 2 - Jackie totally Camwhore!
hahaha very nice long post :)
It was the pinning game. I should have just pin instead of pin and click sigh.
ah kua ur head la omg!! that's Arabyrd.. and she's our local female rapper. hoi!
@PPC heh thx..i tod pic more tat cause it long? XD
@simon oh icic...nvm at least u won something =)
@jess hahahahah i mmg tak kenal she ma...LOL...
Euphoria! OMG! My favorite clubbing place ever! I missed it..=.=
LOL at joshua...
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