Venue : Laundry Bar, The Curve
Time : 6.30pm
Date : 12 August, 2009 (Wednesday)
Time : 6.30pm
Date : 12 August, 2009 (Wednesday)

A courtesy thanks to Nuffnang to gave me chance to attended Digi new launch, DigiMusic.

* The stage *
We are given a goodie bag after registered our name on the counter. Guess what? inside d bag contain All Americans Rejects latest CD album! Wooops!!
Yes if u dun believe here is d prove

* ya ya i know u happy *
Before the event officially started, we are served with dinner and drinks. I seriously love all the food at there. A various type of pizza, cookies and meat are served. Dinner was self service.

* self service *

* My food XD *
Before any emcee introduction, the event started with dancing and singing by Caprice. It was my first time saw Caprice..hehe

* Caprice *

* Caprice *
After that, was opening address by Digi's Head of Products and Segment Marketing, Albern Murty and Presentation by Digi's Head of Segment Marketing, Koay Chee Keong.

* Mr Albern (left) and Mr Koay (Right) *
Basically what is DigiMusic if u ask me? Do you guys know that everyday we went to google songs and download from there are illegal? Dont worry! With DigiMusic, you can download unlimited musics with RM5 per months. Isn't tat cool? For further detail, visit their site and enjoy d ads below =D
After that was best dress competition. Whoever dress as Jason Mraz for male will won a Samsung mp3 player and female who dressed as Avril Lavigne will won a Swatch Watch.
I dunno who is d winner for guy but female was Kristine!! OMG she won price again from jealous of her!! T__T

* The winners of best dress *
Next was a game session. We grouped ourself to 6 ppl per groups.

* my group, 2 *
We are required to follow the task given in the paper which is login to digimusic web and download a song and share wif friend then send it out (or whatever is it).
Unfortunately my group and Jess group couldn't won. Tian Chad group won the game. Grr! I jealous on TC also!! T___T..Each of them won Wireless Headset

* The winner of the game *
This event end with the game session. After that everyone were rushing to meet Boys Like Girls at Sony Style shop.

* my buddies. I guess i dun need intro anymore *
haha cool stuff.. digi is really promoting huh.. =)
yupz...! Digi rockss! LOL
Hohoho...Happy leh! We could have won the sony stuff also..Blame Tian Chad..tsk!
Wow! Great event with freebies somemore :D
Saw you guys and gals that day at District 9, but shy la to approach since mostly know all of you as Nuffnang popular bloggers XD
what la u should come ma..isk..n i m not famous -___-...
hhaha sam sam sam!! tat pic so funny wei..u n him holding d dinner plate n stunt at there XD...ahahaha
Nice! Got freebies and makan somemore! Sure you guys enjoy that day...^^
Hey hey it was the very helpful DiGi Crew that help us win the Sony Headset ar. Don't blame me, blame him?? XD
@joshua okok la...was expecting more performances actually XD
@TC i dun care is ur fault =P
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