Finally Kamen Rider W (Double) full info been leaked out! Enjoy the video below =D
Cool! I Cant wait to see USB base rider system! =D
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen Screening with Nuffnangers

okie i knew i being highly stimulated by those bloggers who manage to attended premier screening of Transformers last mon. However my patient finally got paid! I watch it last night at MidValley wif 5 Bloggers/Nuffnangers and Jack (not a blogger). WEEE!!!
Me and dearie join wif Joe, Nicol, Max, Kristine & Jack for the movie. Been plan about it since last 2 weeks and everyone only manage to spend time on sunday for d movie. Nicol went to bought d tics wif her bro creadit cards..woop! So we watched at Midvalley, 5pm movie.
As expected, d cinema was crowded wif ppl. Even Nicol need to queue up to redeem d tics she bought from counter. It was my dearie first time hang out wif my unimate. Without wasting our time, we entered the cinema after finish camwhoring wif our tics XD.

* Me and Dearie *
As usual, before i comment on it, lets check d synopsis of the movie =D (if u dunno what transformers about u go bang ur head to d wall)
The battle for Earth has ended but the battle for the universe has just begun. After returning to Cybertron, Starscream assumes command of the Decepticons, and has decided to return to Earth with force. The Autobots believing that peace was possible finds out that Megatron's dead body has been stolen from the US Military by Skorpinox and revives him using his own spark. Now Megatron is back seeking revenge and with Starscream and more Decepticon reinforcements on the way, the Autobots with reinforcements of their own, may have more to deal with then meets the eye.
Basically i felt this times transformer movie got more action and comedy! OMG! I was laughing so hard when i saw constructionbot with two metal ball on his lower part XD. However this time they introduce alot new robot on Autobots and Decepticons side. Being a transformers fans who only know who is Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Ironhide & Megatron, i totally no idea who d rest robot was as in d movie since they din reli introduce them (i knew some autobots was from the first movie). In d same time, i felt that Decepticons robots too many silver in color, make me confuse who is who XD..haha..anyway i still thumb up on d movie eventhough d story plot wasn't good! I IN LOVE TO OPTIMUS PRIME MORE AND MORE!! WEEE!!!
The movie screen for almost 2 hours 30 mins (including 15 mins ads). After d movie, we went for dinner. At 1st every1 agree to get dinner at Nandos. PERFECT! I was crawling for it actually! Unfortunately Nandos kicthen having some prob and the whole shop was full wif smoke. Being unbareable on d smoke, we being no choice but to walk around to look for food. I suggested Carls Junior, Kristine suggested Thai food and Max suggested Korean Food. After a hardcore discussion, finally we went to the Thai food, known as Rak Thai.

* Rak Thai *
In my point of view, their food wif d price wasn't bad at all. Kinda worth it. I order a pineaple rice (i guess tats d name) that cost RM12.90. Well d taste not bad la =D

* My Pineapple Rice *

* Everyone start bringing out their cam *

* Feeding time. But Max face so suffer *

* The next 1 is Joe. Kristine no eyes see adi... *

* And there we are, the complete ppl in d groups *
Well, thats all for my half day outing on MidValley last nite =D. It was kinda enjoyable outing since only small group of us =D
I went out wif my dearie 3 days continuously (since fri till sun). She is going back to Malacca adi this coming fri. I guess i have to wait until year end to meet her. The time is moving so fast. It have been a year since she study at there..3 more years to go for us! I hope we reli could wait until d day =)
Mid Valley,
Rak Thai,
Revenge of the Fallen,
With My Beloved
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Urbanscape 2009 @ KLPac

Yosh! It was my first time attending Urbanscape. FYI, Urbanscape is an Art Festival that held each 4 years last time but i heard now they make it every year. The entrance fees for this event was RM35. However thx to Nuffnang and my dearie, i got the pass =)

Reach KLPac around 1pm and thx GOD there are still parking available for me! Went to collect our ticket from NN at ticketing counter. Kinda sad our pass from NN was not media pass =(

* Tickecting Counter *

* Urbanscape ticket *
Before we (me,dearie,nigel & jacq) could explore the whole area, we search for food 1st to "cure" our stomach. The food there was pretty expensive as expected. Well, i simply pick a food, Cheesy Butter Fish Rice that cost me RM7..LOL

* Cheesy Butter Fish Rice *
Well basically i doesnt enjoy much d event due to d SUPER ULTRA MEGA GIGA TERRA HOT SUN! I received several sunburnt damaged from that damn sunny on my skin. Anyway i din reli went to watch all performances but i'll let my pics speak now =)

* KL Stompers *

* Shahridir & Nizam P *

* Sorry i dunno what performance is this *

* AIIA. She keep saying "I am horny sexy babe"..woops! *

* EMP Series of short plays *
Besides performances, i found out few creative art well design by those artist such as the badge on my hand.

I even saw a well design aquarium that bring S.O.S signal. However it seem i m more attracted on d fish rather than the S.O.S aquarium XD

While i went to upper floor in the exhibitions center, OMFG! I saw BLACKBIRD!! What is Blackbird u ask me? It was the camera use by Tsukasa in Kamen Rider Decade! It is freaking cute and adoreable! And guess what? It sold for RM400! Woops! But too bad that camera was used film..if d cam using digital, i think i'll buy immediately! One of the function i love on this camera is d ability to multilayer or known as overlap d film like what Tsukasa alwiz did in d series.

* Blackbird *
and here the example of Multilayer photo using blackbird.

Met few bloggers also when v walking around.
well both me and dearie was tired walking around accompanied by d sunny. So we decided to take a rest at Cinescape. By d moment we entered there, d cinescape was showing Sumolah movie, a malay movie. Dearie wacthed the movie while i sleep on her shoulder. After the show, was a Deepset X Nyobakan performances.

* Deepset X Nyobakan *

* Close up view of Nyobakan *
I wanted to go back after the Deepset performances. While on d way back, we met Jess & Chris. Both of them chain me back to have dinner wif them as Jess brought her cake again, b Santa Cake again for another day. We had our dinner in d Exhibitions and so freaking expensive. My spaghetti mushroom cost RM12..WTF!

* Spaghetti Mushroom *
Besides, there's also a fire performances nearby. I manage to capture some nice effect using low shutter speed.

* Fire performances *
Well, thats all my experienced on Urbanscape. It was pretty cool overall but guess i not reli get hook up much on it.
With My Beloved
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Land Of The Lost Media Screening with Bloggers
Date : 26 June 2009 (Friday)
Time : 10 a.m.
Venue : Cineleisure, Damansara

Yes! This is the movie i went to watch with my dear together with other bloggers! I would love to thx Nigel for providing such opportunity to us =). I reach Cineleisure with Jacq quite early (around 9.30am) as the movie will start on 10am. However we felt that v been cheated coz the Cathay Cinema door was shut down and stated will only start business hour on 11am. Being no choice, we just have to wait until alot ppl reached.

* Group photo * - pic credit to Jess
Finally we entered in the cinema around 10am sharp. As usual, being a blogger, we! YES I MEAN WE! Must take pics or camwhore. And guess what? Jess brought her birthday cake to share among us. Fuh! My first experience eating cake inside cinema..haha..

* Caramel Cheese Cake..hmmm *

* Another group shot * - pic credit to Jess

* And this is what happen to Ken after ate Jess cake (?) *
Anyway lets look at the movie summary from nigel blog.
Will Ferrell - a name common to all of us who love comedies. From A Night At The Roxbury, Old School, Elf and Anchorman to Talledaga Nights, Blades of Glory, Semi-Pro and Step Brothers - it is without a doubt that you'll probably be laughing at one of his movies.
In his latest film, Land of the Lost, Will plays paleontologist Rick Marshall who is reduced to working as a teacher for children at the George C. Page Museum until he meets Holly Cantrell who urges him to finish his tachyon amplifier. When he does, they go to the Devils Cave, a roadside attraction, hiring its tour guide Will Stanton. Marshall activates the tachyon amplifier triggering an earthquake, and the three end up in a parallel universe having lost the amplifier.
Basically i felt this movie is FREAKING FUNNY eventhough the joke was lame. In other view, the graphic and visual they use kinda good especially on the dinosaur. The most WTF moment for me is when Rick Marshall having 1 on 1 with T-rex, he jumped toward it and i tod he gonna RIDER KICK on the T-rex. But i guess this world nth is beautiful. He actually sent himself toward the T-rex mouth and the T-rex swallow him. LOL Thats super hilarious! XD...Overall the movie was not bad eventhough is kinda stupid...haha
After the movie, we went to get our lunch at Ikea foodcourt. It was my first time eating at there and the environment doesn't seem like a foodcourt for me. I asked ken what is the best choice here and he intro meatball (forgot the full name) to me. Being DUNNO-WHAT-TO-CHOOSE-TO-EAT. I got myself 10 pieces of Meatball that cost me bloody RM10. However, the meatball was not bad..hehehe

* Meatball *

* Lunch time *
After the lunch, every1 start to move back to their daily weekday life cycle while i sent my dear and jacq back.
till then, adios!
Time : 10 a.m.
Venue : Cineleisure, Damansara

Yes! This is the movie i went to watch with my dear together with other bloggers! I would love to thx Nigel for providing such opportunity to us =). I reach Cineleisure with Jacq quite early (around 9.30am) as the movie will start on 10am. However we felt that v been cheated coz the Cathay Cinema door was shut down and stated will only start business hour on 11am. Being no choice, we just have to wait until alot ppl reached.

* Group photo * - pic credit to Jess
Finally we entered in the cinema around 10am sharp. As usual, being a blogger, we! YES I MEAN WE! Must take pics or camwhore. And guess what? Jess brought her birthday cake to share among us. Fuh! My first experience eating cake inside cinema..haha..

* Caramel Cheese Cake..hmmm *

* Another group shot * - pic credit to Jess

* And this is what happen to Ken after ate Jess cake (?) *
Anyway lets look at the movie summary from nigel blog.
Will Ferrell - a name common to all of us who love comedies. From A Night At The Roxbury, Old School, Elf and Anchorman to Talledaga Nights, Blades of Glory, Semi-Pro and Step Brothers - it is without a doubt that you'll probably be laughing at one of his movies.
In his latest film, Land of the Lost, Will plays paleontologist Rick Marshall who is reduced to working as a teacher for children at the George C. Page Museum until he meets Holly Cantrell who urges him to finish his tachyon amplifier. When he does, they go to the Devils Cave, a roadside attraction, hiring its tour guide Will Stanton. Marshall activates the tachyon amplifier triggering an earthquake, and the three end up in a parallel universe having lost the amplifier.
Basically i felt this movie is FREAKING FUNNY eventhough the joke was lame. In other view, the graphic and visual they use kinda good especially on the dinosaur. The most WTF moment for me is when Rick Marshall having 1 on 1 with T-rex, he jumped toward it and i tod he gonna RIDER KICK on the T-rex. But i guess this world nth is beautiful. He actually sent himself toward the T-rex mouth and the T-rex swallow him. LOL Thats super hilarious! XD...Overall the movie was not bad eventhough is kinda stupid...haha
After the movie, we went to get our lunch at Ikea foodcourt. It was my first time eating at there and the environment doesn't seem like a foodcourt for me. I asked ken what is the best choice here and he intro meatball (forgot the full name) to me. Being DUNNO-WHAT-TO-CHOOSE-TO-EAT. I got myself 10 pieces of Meatball that cost me bloody RM10. However, the meatball was not bad..hehehe

* Meatball *

* Lunch time *
After the lunch, every1 start to move back to their daily weekday life cycle while i sent my dear and jacq back.
till then, adios!
Land Of The Lost,
My 1st time,
With My Beloved
Friday, June 26, 2009
Back to SHS
Went back to SHS this early morning wif my dear. The main purposes for me to strike back school is to get some PK (not pokai) teacher to help me sign some document for my application.

Went there on 7.30am. As usual, they having assemble and all teachers went there for briefing coz tmrw is their open day. I din reli walk around d whole school but basically nth much change..except they name all d school part wif freaking funny name.
I went to library too and all d composition changed alot since d last time i been there.

After sign d document, me & my dear continue our paktorlogy at Cathay cinema. We went to watch Land of the Lost!

Went there on 7.30am. As usual, they having assemble and all teachers went there for briefing coz tmrw is their open day. I din reli walk around d whole school but basically nth much change..except they name all d school part wif freaking funny name.
I went to library too and all d composition changed alot since d last time i been there.

After sign d document, me & my dear continue our paktorlogy at Cathay cinema. We went to watch Land of the Lost!
With My Beloved
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Olympus Pen E-P1

The more interested you become in photography, the more you'll want to take expressive, high-quality pictures. And now that digital photography has made easier and more accessible than ever, you probably think that ordinary SLR cameras are too bulky and too heavy. What you need is not an SLR camera. What you need is the kind of picture quality that can usually only be obtained with an SLR camera. That's what you'll get with the OLYMPUS PEN. Specifically designed to provide photo buffs with SLR quality and ultra-compact convenience, the new PEN is a lens interchangeable camera that boasts a compact body with a stylish metal casing. Weighing only about 335 grams, this little camera delivers the same high picture quality and expressive power as a digital SLR camera. Now it's easy to take the pictures you've always wanted. The digital "PEN" has arrived.
Small and light body with SLR-quality
Mirrorless structure for compact, lightweight body that can be taken anywhere
With conventional SLR cameras, the image is captured through the lens, passed through a mirror and pentaprism, and viewed on the viewfinder screen. With the Micro Four Thirds System standard, on the other hand, the mirror has been eliminated. With no need to incorporate a mirror box inside the camera, the length of the flange back can be reduced by about half without changing the image sensor size or compromising the image quality. Compared to our E-420 - the world's smallest* digital SLR camera - the width has been reduced by about 8.5 mm, the height by about 20 mm and the thickness by about 18 mm. As a result, the overall volume has also been reduced by approx.58%.
* Among interchangeable-lens type digital SLR cameras (as of June 16, 2009, our in-house research).

12.3-megapixel High-Speed Live MOS Sensor
The image sensor uses a High-Speed Live MOS Sensor featuring 12.3 megapixels and a high-speed readout. In combination with the high optical performance provided by Micro Four Thirds lenses, this sensor captures high-resolution images that accurately reproduce your composition with exquisite detail, rich gradations and natural colours.

TruePic V image processing engine
The TruePic V image-processing engine is a refined version of the high-performance TruePic III+ engine, delivering clearer, higher-resolution images by exploiting the full performance of the lens. Sophisticated noise reduction that removes noise without obliterating details allows high-sensitivity shooting at ISO 6400 and beautifully reproduces delicate colour changes.

Built-in image stabilization at up to 4 EV steps
A newly developed compact image stabilization mechanism is integrated in the camera to compensate for camera shake by up to 4 EV steps*. Since the stabilizing mechanism is built into the camera body, it can function with any lens without compromising its optical performance. Two modes - I.S.2 (horizontal) and I.S.3 (vertical) make possible blur-free panning shots in either the horizontal or vertical direction. The image stabilization mechanism works also when the mount adapter (optional) is used.
* The correction effect varies depending on the lens type and shooting conditions.

M.ZUIKO DIGITAL lenses designed exclusively for the Micro Four Thirds System
M.ZUIKO DIGITAL lenses are designed exclusively for the Micro Four Thirds System by optimizing the mount diameter and signal contacts. Reflecting the PEN's ability to achieve high image quality, the digital-dedicated design of these compact lenses takes full advantage of the characteristics of digital photography, delivering light to every corner of the image sensor and ensuring high quality for both still and moving images.
* Interchangeable lenses designed for the Four Thirds System can be mounted using an adapter.

Available in silver or white with a rugged metallic finish featuring aluminium on the top and bottom, stainless steel on the sides and back, stainless steel trim, and laser-engraved model name, the PEN conveys a sense of quality that reflects your commitment to photography.

Favourite Gadget,
Pen E-P1
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