Anyway i went to Sushi King wif Suetyee at Leisure Mall. She wanted to treat me because i alwiz fetch her (i guess). So to realist her dream, i accept her offer XD..
I went with her after my class. It was my first time explored whole Leisure Mall from bottom to top. My impression on Leisure Mall is alwiz dead due to human population. However i change my perspective since yesterday. The Sushi King shop was almost crowded with people. Luckily we managed to found a seat for ourself.
As usual, d first thing i alwiz did when i in Sushi shop was hunt for INARI! my eyes will stick on the conveyor belt until i got INARI hands on! Hahaha..

* Hunting for Inari! hahaha *

* My Inari! weee! *
Besides, if i m getting set i usually ordered d cheapest set which is Kodomo Bento. I know it was for small kid meal but i love it so much because it have variety food in d set.
Well, since is suetyee treat me, i might as well order others set which i nv had before. I tod Sakina Blackpepper set which cost RM14.90. In d set it contain rice, vegie, egg, miso soup, blackpepper fish and yakult..LOL

* Sakina Blackpepper set *
Well, i guess she was glad i din dry up her wallet because my stomach was full after i got d Sakina set. In addition, i manage to get myself 4 Inari..wee! so happy ^^..

* suetyee paying bill *
I m going there again next tues with Ee =)
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