So who does this fund raising for?
This fund raising are categorize into 3 which are Nature, Social and Health. Under those categories are some subbed existing society. As u guys expected, i am supporting SPCA.
Well, what is SPCA if u ask me?
SPCA is Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animal. SPCA is an animal welfare organisation that receives unwanted, homeless or abused animals and attempts to find them a new home. They also investigate reports of neglected or abused pets. For further detail, log on to
Well as an animal lover especially toward dog, i definitely support SPCA. For those who havent click to donate/vote/save, feel free to log on to or click the banner below my header or below this post. RM5 from urself might not be alot, but it will mean alot when it comes to 100 and more people.
SUPPORT LOVE TO SAVE! SUPPORT SPCA! You can change them to have a better life!
omg WHY SINGAPORE DONT HAVE!!!!! i also want to save animals =(
@christine up to u la -,-..i dun care
@sheree haha sign up under MY =P
i want to do like this
and u come up with it first
love SPCA! I got my dog there!
@mknace lol u still can do it n support SPCA =D
@yingzi yea..SPCA! love all d dog there =D
support! =D
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