"Lets go dinner at New Paris", said Yvonne.
My first impression on this New Paris, "WOW? Must be very expensive cafe or shop". But i was shock and change my point of view when i reached & stand in front of the shop. It was a restaurant that serve chinese food.

Damn, i gonna repeat d same thing again! My life is full wif food recently!! i can sense that i m pregnant now and my unknown baby will deliver out in NOWHEREGODKNOWWHENISIT time...T___T
Anyway we YC Gang gathered again this week. Frank, Yvonne, Sooyan, WaiLoon, Andrienne & me went to had our dinner at New Paris Restaurant that located near SS2 as suggested by Yvonne. As i heard, their famous dishes for this restaurant are Mermaid Meat, Champagne Chicken & Specialist Toufu.

* The serve the rice inside d silver bowl. U can refill as much as u like wif d fix price *

* Mermaid Meat - RM15*

* Champagne Chicken that served wif watermelon skin - RM18*

* Specialist Toufu..din reli get to eat much..nth much to comment on it's taste - RM12 *

* Yau Mak *

* Andrienne & Wai Loon *

* Sooyan & Yvonne *

* Frank *
Oh well, d their food was not bad. My personal opinion, d price is abit overrated as d portion for each dishes not really big. My tod is right partially, d shop is expensive!! XD
Next, after a few discussion and throwing idea around, we decided to move our butt to Island Cafe, located at SS2. At first i tod it was Island Red Cafe. however i need to change my point of view again when i reached d shop...

Oh well, d main motive v been here is just to get a drinks and a place to sit for chui sui-ing only. Nth special on this shop interior, just like a normal cafe design. The price of drinks and foods for this shop is equivalent to Station 1 Cafe..LOL...
Due to boredoom, we requested a poker card from d shop and 6 of us started to play "cho dai di" while waiting Vic coming from Sentul.

* All kaki judi XD *
After waited for him more than 1.5 hours, finally he reached..LOL!! As soon as he reach, d first thing blow out from his mouth was "Hey what u guys wanna do next? go get something to do la. Go Sing K, Clubbing or Bar?"...Oh gosh! Whatever throw from his mouth tat time was all about clubbing, drink alcohol, bla bla bla..OMG! VICTOR LEE!! SINCE WHEN U BECOME LIKE THIS!!!?? MENTANG MENTANG U SUDAH 21 TAHUN TUNJUK BELANG LA SEKARANG?
Upon his arrival, i took out my cam and stalked him for so long. I guess he get irritated and look on me while scolding wif his smiley face "Oi u enuf or not?"..*CHIK CHAK*..guess what? i got his HAPPYACCIDENTLUCKYMOMENT pic XD...wtf

* Imagine..."OI U ENUF ONOT?" wif tat expression XD *
Due to Vic strong influences, manipulating our young & innocent brain, we change location to Laundry. Again, my first tod.."Laundry? Mau cuci baju ka korang?"...WTF! And again, i change my mind when i get to know what the hell Laundry is. It was a bar that located d path in between the Curve & Cineleisure. Gosh, been passing by there so many time but i nv notice tat place can cuci baju..i mean laundry..LOL

And guess what? d reason we move to here is because vic said d island cafe has nth to do..So WTF we can do at laundry? cuci baju also kenot XD...wanna chat also very hard coz very noisy. Frank tried to went to up stair to dance floor but been kicked out by d ppl there because he was wearing sandal. Oh yea, me and him d only 1 who wear short pant to bar..hahahahah..wtf XD

* Heineken RM21.60 after taxes per bottle..WTF *
Nth much can do at there beside drinking and shouting when chit chatting in order our voices could delivered to the target person..shit..i should control myself since i drink quite frequented recently. I dowan get addicted to it..Finally, we ended our dinner & yumcha session with final group photo.

* Group pic *
Hopefully d next time we meet not going to bar pls. Go starbuck also nvm la! Prefer Mamak stall XD...hahaha
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