Tuesday, October 12, 2010

CodeMasters Studio

If u r gamer and favourite on car racing game, u sure heard about codemaster. Unless u r layman and assuming codemaster is a boring company tat related to computer programming and etc. Well, we, UCSI 3D Animation students are given chance to visit their studio on last friday. It was a very rare opportunity! We been greet and guide by Mr Ivon Smith, Technical Art Trainer at Codemaster.

* Ivon Smith, a very funny joker *

He been telling us about game designing which more put weight on texture rather than animation and modeling (which gonna b my weaknesses at d moment). Beside he told us about the training offer by the studio and a job was a guarantee if u were good in mapping texture.

Well, it seem a path to walk to game designer is tough for me..at d moment ;P..i gonna learn texturing by my own this coming holidays. Anyway not much pics are allow to b taken there since it was PnC. We are given chance to walk around the studio and communicate wif others designer to understand well their job scope.

* Designer of the track *

* Game tester *

* And they become the lucky one to play with the game b4 it release next year! *

* Oh Mr Jihven been caught playing as well *

Well, i m glad to b able to visit their studio. It reli opened up my eyes and expended my knowledge. I gonna work hard to achieve my dream!

* Group photo *