well, SL not reli good in bowling, so at least got some1 cover my marks XD...unfortunately 1 of my nail broke when i playing..sigh..gotta cut my nail ~_~..
moral study for myself : Cut nail b4 play bowling....!!!!
after 3 games of bowling, d times was around 1200. SJ adi waited us at Neway.so v went to NEway and ready to sing! wow! finally i get to sing properly after a while! I sang quite alot song..lemme remind...i sang Sap Nin Chin Hau (Hacken Lee), Hap Gao Pik Fan (Hacken Lee), Yi Dang Tin Si (Wilfred Lau), Tuen Mei (Wilfred Lau), Suo Ni Ai Wo (Wilber Pan), Lu Tai Wan (Wilber Pan), Zhao Mi (Wilber Pan), Sap Fan Pi (Alex Fong feat Stephy Tang) and Wo Ke Yi (Evan Yo).

so after finish sing, d time adi 1500. Then EK wanna took sticker photo (he never take b4, seriously me too XD...)...so 4 of us head to Sg Wang to find those machine to take. V went to the top floor of Sg Wang for d shop. Before v entered, v saw alot anime & modal shop. V are very interested and hang at that shop very long. OMG! I saw Kamen Rider SIC!! So nice!! I saw Den-O belt also!!! if those SIC cheap, i might buy as my collection XD...
after finish appreciated those "barby doll" v finally enter the shop and take those sticker pic..lol..omg, 1st time take..like very paiseh XD...but at last manage to take also la...tat camera shot so fast...cant even make a pose..so few of my pose quite selamba XD...hahaha..sorry guys if my pose too chuen, dun hate me XD...

after finish take pics, v went to find another shop tat have Manga & Anime. FInally v found a shop called "Sun XXXX" forgot d back name XD...i saw a "spin Machine" at there and that machinese contain alot Kamen Rider mini action figure. I was interested on Den-O so i go change token to spin tat thing..guess what!? i got Den-O Plat Form! XD...but nice also la..=P

after tat v return back to TS. EK went to KFC to buy his dinner while v all sit down chatting. After d time around 1830, i went back luuu...wow, traffic damn jam at jalan pahang..lol..but at last i manage to reach home on 1930..XD...
now time 0012 adi..lol gotta sleep...hols gonna end soon! Gotta enjoy b4 next week! Go Go!!