Manage to catch up this movie with deary yesterday. The moment when i saw the trailer for d 1st time in cinema, i was like "Oh My GOD is Ah Niu again! I must watch this movie!".
The Wedding Diary highlights disparities between the bride's and groom's families, from wealth levels to social differences between Singaporeans and Malaysians with its divergent Hokkien and Cantonese cultures. To please his future in-laws, the groom Daniel agrees to hold an extravagant dinner banquet in Singapore. On the wedding day, Daniel is dismayed the angpow money given by guests which he plans to use to foot the bill goes missing...
well, wedding is pretty scary when u r over budget LOL..Men pain especially when come to financial during the wedding is totally shown in this movie. Ok, i havent married, so I cant tell u how true is it, you gonna tell me ;P

I was expecting this movie is all about the preparation of the wedding however the director prove me wrong. Crisis appear one and after and all are involved with money. However, i do love this movie. There are always good moral value to catch up in this whole movie. One of the moment is very touched and..yea i cried :(

This is one of the perfect movie to catch up with your partner for this coming valentine season. Let's see any of you will be having phobia of marriage after watching this movie ;P
hopefully this is a good movie ..
can compete with Ah Beng movie...
Definitely going to watch this movie with my mum soon ! =D
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