The movie follows 3 separate stories about a Guangzhou father and daughter, a Taiwan taxi driver and his passenger, and a Shanghai delivery boy and his sister who has passed away. The three stories all center around Mayday's concert and intersect in Shanghai.
First thing first, i am abit shock to found out that this movie is only available in 3D version,, no normal version. As u guys know most of 3D version movie doesnt give a very good experience and feel to audiences. But hey i was wrong! Looking Ah Xin pop out in 3D is interesting! opss..Oh well I wanna say the effect is awesome especially during the concert performance where the flying feather, rock and bubble make u feel like u r actually on live concert with them!
ok I felt this movie is purely targeted Mayday fans! Oh yes i am mayday fans opss ;P Overall the movie is was mainly concentrate on Mayday concert and another 3 side story involving them wanna go to Mayday concert. It is pretty interesting to see dif people with dif background/story wanted to go mayday concert. Some part are quit touched (yes i am easily cry and touched type person LOL). One thing i dislike about is the each individual story is too short and simple..and ohhh the fade in fade out transition is make me feel disconnected..there are a tone of better transition to use rather than fade in fade out.
The story started and ended with heavy CG..which i dun get it what d CG mean actually, the transformer robot they use? or just to show the spaceship in their movie poster? LOL..oh not to mention each Mayday members actually appeared as cameo in the short story.
Catch this in cinema especially if u r Mayday fans! Most of the song in the movie are all hit song! i bet u sure know how to sing ;) SING IT IN CINEMA! WEEE!! But i abit disappointed they did not put full version of O A O A song..well, no sad, youtube for the rescue! ;P
Lets O A O A! :D :D Watching this movie remind me of their concert last was a bomb! :D
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