RIO is a 3-D animation feature from the makers of the "Ice Age" films. Set in the magnificent city of Rio de Janeiro and the lush rainforest of Brazil, the comedy-adventure centers on Blu, a rare macaw who thinks he is the last of his kind. When Blu discovers there's another - and that she's a she - he leaves the comforts of his cage in small town Minnesota and heads to Rio. But it's far from love at first sight between the domesticated and flight-challenged Blu and the fiercely independent, high-flying female, Jewel. Unexpectedly thrown together, they embark on an adventure of a lifetime, where they learn about friendship, love, courage, and being open to life's many wonders. RIO brings together a menagerie of vivid characters, a heart-warming story, colorful backdrops, energizing Latin and contemporary music, and family-friendly song and dance.
Very nice movie and animation i would said ;D story was awesome too! Thumb up to the director tat manage to shown the relationship between the bird and the human as well. Texturing was nice as well and love the feather modeling/texturing on the birds ;) ohhh i love the Bulldog, luiz as well! he is so goddamn cute! :D Love the music in the movie as well! Gonne youtube for it ;P
Watch this movie in cinema if u r animation lover like me ;)
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