Monday, September 13, 2010

Gakkenflex Assembling Experiences

So, i got myself a 大人の科学 (Otona No Kagaku) to have the GakkenFlex last week. I took my sweet time to assemble it as in normal ppl could done it in 45~120 minutes. Do note that this post is not instruction manual. If u wan english version of instruction feel free to visit here.

* all the components *

I dun read japanese but i barely have problem on assembling the GakkenFlex. The instruction manual have a pretty detailed drawing and illustration on how to do it.

* start the left and right side 1st *

The shutter might be abit tricky to do but actually is pretty easy if u have patient as long as u dun screw up the spring. Do make sure test the shutter are working b4 u assemble everything.

* the shutter mechanism *

After that, stuff will go pretty ez. I can started to see my GakkenFlex shape are formed.

* Assembling the main body part *

I was abit shock when assemble the mirror part for the view finder. Abit confuse but thanks to google, i found the solution to assemble it. So yes, Googling do help alot ;)

* The view finder mirror *

Once u done this, other stuff are pretty straight forward. I dun have time to shoot my finished GakkenFlex yet. Will do it as soon as i can once i am free ;)..i'll try to share some tips i got from internet as well :D

But i'll love to say i heart my GakkenFlex. It is pretty cheap camera toys but the photo produce out will be stunning! I'll say i have no regret to owned this pretty toys ;)