Well, lets make my pics talk now!
* The slide show *
* Wall-E again! *
* Registration counter *
* Mask *
* Ms Mime that keep disturbing people around. She even took my DSLR and cause me chase her all d way *
* All hottie dancer perform on opening event *
* Speech from President, Jessie Lim *
* 2 emcee of d night, Sheldon and Benji *
* Dinner time *
some random pics before main event start..
* Camwhore with my committee members :D *
The main effect official kick off with UCSI University Got Talent 2010 with 6 finalist and together with 3 finalist of Project ECHO in between.
* 1st Contestant : David Suryadi *
* 2nd Contestant : Neo *
* 3rd Contestant : Michelle *
* Project ECHO finalist : Praveena, Amala, Mohamed *
* 4th Contestant : Runway-18 (guitarist - Safa Darman) *
* Runway-18 members *
* 5th contestant - Opps! *
* 6th contestant : Swagarrific Boyz
And next is magic show which i give thumb down. Go practice 100 years more to learn how to entertain ur audiences.
* Magician who talk more than perform *
* Interview Nick who did the video for UCSI University Got Talent *
Luckily the next performance gain back everyone attention. It is dancing between Celine & Alvin. Oh, everyone love d pic below :P
* Kiss kiss kiss kiss! *
Next is prize giving ceremony. Here are the winner list for Project ECHO and UCSIU's Got Talent 2010.
* Winner of Project ECHO, Amala *
* Top 3 of UCSIU Got Talent 2010 *
* Winner of UCSIU Got Talent, Neo *
The event end around 11pm and every1 ready to pimp up and hits the dance floor together with Runway-18 performing few songs to us again.
* Like clubbing wtf *
* Performance from Runway-18 *
Well, the event officially blast off on 12am. Stay up there until almost 2am to take pics and camwhore around XD
* Camwhore *
* All the awesome committee members *
It was definitely a very memorable event for me. Why? coz it gonna be my first and last event in uni. Joining it this time make me realize i am that kind of person who dun have enuf RAM and speed to multitask in between my assignment and event management. Too bad huh, nobody perfect :P
WOW~ what a wonderful event! Last time my prom night also duno what masquerade, fail one. nobody wear mask.
@nicole ahaha..coz mask very sienz n mah fan laa..i also din wear n run around take pic..for me camera is my mask adi XP
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