Today was Design & Layout class. Only 5 student attend d class. WTF! D lecturer waited for 30 min n finally she pissed off and cancel d class. So, tats all for my class today which ended in 30 min only..LOL..i went to pay my fees in finance department and while on my way back to my car i say harry and cherish. FInally another official meeting wif cherish in person since i alwiz bumped her in uni but nv talk XD..ahaha..
i do realise UCSI build new "shelter" beside Block B..LOL..what a new renovation they did..probably they not enuf class -__-..
anyway tmrw i also got class. Hope it was a better day than today.
very random..
the new construction in your uni looks funny in its own way.. XD
haha just wanna express my ketidakpuasan on 1st day class! LOL
ya d shelter look so stu -,-..LOL
Oh? You are studying in UCSI? I have a few friends studying there :D
What course are you taking there?
hey toufu =D..yea i study ucsi..i taking 3d animation there
Ooo.. My friend taking Psychology course there. So, if you need any help, just let me know so I can help you to contact her xD
toufu LOL...what kind of help u mean? =P
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