* 21KM finisher! *
Hola! I survived another marathon! This probably my first and last marathon for this year haha.. I am getting lazy and lazier to train.. well main reason was lazy, second is no one run with me. Decided to join Penang Bridge Marathon again once Ken said he is joining. We travel to Penang together again this year with addition of Kim Hong & Kok Jing. Ok la not so gay at least. This also marked my first time running 21KM in life!
As usual, when the marathon is at Penang, EAT first RUN later is our objective. We went on Friday evening so that we can has extra day to rest and also extra day to eat without rushing our ass! The first stop for our dinner on Friday was Duck Char Koey Teow at bukit mertajam! Super awesome CKT! Nothing beat this lorrrrrr!!

* Duck CKT RM5 *
I also managed to found a place that have awesome Hokkien Mee (Prawn Mee)! Not sure the shop name but it is located nearby the duck CKT, behind the temple food court look alike. The soup is really something in KL couldn't find.

* Hokkien Mee RM3.50 *
Done our dinner on Friday night, we went to our hotel at Tune to called for the night. On next morning, I had Pasembur at the New World food court that located beside Tune Hotel. Not bad but I think I'll prefer the uncle rojak near my house anytime for the sauce.

* Pasembur RM10 *
Next, another CKT hunt! Went for sister CKt at Jalan Mecalista for the first time (I heard they had bad attitude hence I am avoiding this place). To be honest it is not the best CKT in Penang but it has good wok hei. Something in KL CKT seriously lacked of.

* Sister CKT RM6 *
Not to forget Uncle Goggle CKT again at Lorong Selamat. Waited 45 min for the CKT and as usual, I love the way it spicy! Also the Oyster Egg! Yum yum.

* Oyster Egg RM10 *

* Uncle Goggle CKT RM9 *
Wanted to go for second try on Uncle CKT at Siam Road (The one i had last year seriously lacking of wok hei) but we have been queue for more than 1.5 hours and the queue did not progress much. Since the time is getting near to dinner time, we decided to leave the queue and went to Tian Lai Restaurant instead for Dayumm Burger! Yes they have shifted to this food court instead (thanks god I checked their FB before go there). As usual, awesome pork burger and pork ball!! Kok Jing & Kim Hong who tried for first time also impressed the burger. Literally shouted Dayummmmmmmmmm!

* Thick sauce Chu Cheong Fun RM3.60 *

* Complete Dayumm RM10 *

* Dayumm Meatball RM10 (12 pieces) *
Annddd we are back to hotel again after heavy dinner and carbo loading. Have only about 4 hours to sleep before begin the run on 3am! Guess I am more matured now. Though my first time run 21KM, I did not rant! I did not ask why do I even join the run. Probably in my heart already died for the question and just DO IT spirit embedded in me. Though the result is not satisfying, but I am happy I managed complete the run! a big pat for myself :D

Done our run, we quickly run back to hotel to have quick nap before check out from hotel. After done checked out, we went for lunch around Penang and later on head back to KL. We tried 67 Coffee Mansion that located near Lorong Susu out of curious because we been seeing it too many time when pass by the road.

From some blog review, they served quite awesome pork dishes. Have no chance to tried because we ate Sister CKT again before coming here. Hence, we just had coffee & tea to chill around before back to KL. Ken ordered Carbonara with Bacon for sharing. Taste quite good! Probably I'll be here back again to try their pork when I am coming to Penang again.

Overall, fruitful journey at Penang. Leg was pretty pain on the day itself until Tuesday. Today feel much better except right foot. At least things better than I expected. 21KM! One of the achievement I should be proud in my life LOL

Random joke of the day : Carmen went to told her friend that I ran 21st position in Penang marathon *Facepalm*
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