* Independent day is coming soon! *
So, I heard Chow Kit market gonna close down (or maybe renovate into new facelit). The construction is on going now in one of the part and the stalls all shifted to further and newly built building. Anyway, I managed to have shooting with Robin on last Tuesday morning at Chow Kit. Probably my last time here before it completely tear down. Phew, not a good idea to do shutter theraphy on weekday due to jam! Well, at least it worth my travel. We managed to have our breakfast at Kin Kin Pan Mee.

* Pan Mee from Kin Kin *
Reason being Robin shooting on weekday is to prepare something big. What it is? Something exciting gonna announce from Olympus on next morning! Done our breakfast, we attack the Chow Kit market.

* Choosing *

* Knife *

* Red chillies *

* Walking in *
I returned the Panasonic 25mm f1.4 to Alex on that day itself. So most of my shot this time around were with Olympus 45mm f1.8 and also Olympus 12mm f2! Ahhhh miss my wide angle lens so much after lending it to Alex so long. I bet he miss his 25mm too LOL.. In the same time, been hogging around 25mm for so long made me almost forgot how awesome Olympus 45mm f1.8 is.

* Answering phone *

* Texting *

* Background *

* Space *

* from top *

* One of the scenery from the top of the market building *
Managed to pump my Olympus OM-D E-M1 ISO to 3200 too on one of the market part. Well I don't really love shooting in high ISO #youknowwhybecauseofhighnoiseuglycolorimagenotsharp but once again, technology nowdays proved to me what they are capable of.

* Yellow boots *

* Now kiss *

* Working *

* awww look at the eye *

* Sharpness on Olympus lens *

* One of the image taken with ISO 3200 *
Done our shooting, we walk all the way to Dang Wangi for lunch. We went for the brand new shifted Yut Kee! Well they actually just shifted to behind building from their previous location. The environment look much better but I think the menu went price hike too. Nevertheless, I had awesome Pork Chop as my lunch! Yummy! Still haven't got chance to try their roasted pork. Someday!

* Pork Chop!*
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