Tiring last weekend for me! Spending my weekend on Tune Hotel RoomerHasIt party as well as A&C (April & Charmaine) wedding. Will blog about the Tune Hotel event soon but first, let's have a simple blog post dedicated for A&C. I don't recall when and how I knew Charmaine but witnessing she & April begin to start their own family, I can't help it but be happy for them. It also marks the beginning of my life getting red bomb LOL

The wedding dinner was held at Dynasty Dragon Seafood at Berjaya Time Square. The official photographer for their wedding is none other than Robin & Jason. Robin has blog about their wedding at this post, so feel free to click in and see. Of course, it was all taken beautifully with Olympus system. Glad I intro him to them since they love his style. More importantly, result will speak louder than the camera gears itself. My photos was taken with Olympus OM-D E-M1 and also Panasonic Leica 25mm f1.4 with flash. Opsss, I am into camera talk now. My bad.

It was an awesome night too for meeting alot friends that I knew from blogging sphere. It has been time since all of us gathered together under one roof. Yes it is hard to gathered everyone nowdays. Glad everyone still doing great in life. I need to work hard too!

It was a night full with blessing and also happiness. Hope both A&C will be happy forever and ever.
Thank you berry much for coming with your love and celebrate with us!
FYI, we met on Twitter once upon a time XD
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