Friday, November 11, 2011

Astro B.yond IPTV with Stars

Hey look! Is Green Green Hornet! Is Lady Gaga! Is Captain America! Well, where else you can find all star gather in one place except Astro B.yond IPTV night?

* Spot spot spot! There are some hidden character to be unlocked! *

What is Astro B.yond IPTV? Well it is the one and only line you'll ever need! With IPTV all line (Astro content, High Definition channels, Personal Video Recording, broadband and a phone line) integrated into one. The benefits are :

  • Just one line to change the way you live : Surfing, online banking, shopping, social networking, video calls, gaming. TV programmes in HD. PVR services. A phone line to top it off. Everyones connected, ALL at the same time.
  • Just one line for all your needs : At up to 100Mbps, your fibre line supports 2 HD channels concurrently, as well as a Video on Demand download, and still have dedicated bandwidth for your broadband!
  • Just one line as the perfect solution for urban families : Astro B.yond IPTV is so powerful, in fact, that an additional set-top box is actually encouraged, otherwise you wouldn't be maximizing the value of it.

What make more amazing about this event is able to gather with friends around and of course, all of us are the star of the day! Me myself of the day is known as Lelaki Lembu...oh well, i actually almost wrote "Kelefeh Cowboy" because i don't belong to any main character cowboy..oh well ;P

* Samuel as Green Hornet and Jolyn as Minnie Mouse *
* Jolyn & Joshua *
* With the gang *
* Hey look! Who is da sexy cat woman? ;P *

Some pictures with friends :

* with Ken, Sam, Jolyn & Joshua *
* Jolyn & Sam again *
* Yuenyee & Andrew *
* When Minnie meet Lelaki Lembu *
* Look! Is Captain Malaysia America! *
* Tianchad, Wern and Ken. LMAO this Ken damn SS *
* Simun & JQ *
* lastly, with the Sagua Bendan Kahmon *

To spice up the interaction with friends and hype up to event, most of us are playing "Who Kidnapped Kak Limah" game. I group with Ken, Sam and Jolyn. Each group were supposed to find out who kidnapped Kak Limah by asking the suspects only two questions! Oh well we didd't get to win the game because, we didn't listen the instruction earlier and was blur all the way when the game started..hahaha but is a nice sweat to run around and finding for suspect ;) Love this kind of game!

There was a IPTV slogan contest on that night itself and the winner will walk away with 16GB Ipad 2 (3G + wifi). The winner of the slogan contest is Samuel! Wow damn lucky Green Horney Hornet!!

Right before the night ended, the Top 5 Best Dressed Male and Female were chosen and the winner from each category will won themselves a 32inch LCD TVs each!


Come come shout out the winner in your heart!!

* Avelynn as Peggy Carter is the winner for female category! *
* Haiqal as Lady Gaga is the winner for FeMale category! *

Wow so close! We almost said if Shaz aka Captain America win the best male dress, both of them can have couple LCD TV in their room XD

* the 2 sweet couple *

The night is pretty awesome. Pretty cool event with alot people willing to dress up and show their another side. I definitely love costume party. Maybe i should started to invest on a serious costume next time.

Anyway for more info about Astro IPTV, feel free to login Astro official website!


LilMeJo said...

I see lotsa minnie mouse pictures here! Love all the pics♥ ^^
Nice hanging out with you all that night!
and yesh.. you should invest more in costume next time! XP

Baboon Tan said...

Captain America FTW!! :)
so the next party will be NAPBAS! hopefully I can join the party and c u there! :)

Koh Kian Fai said...

no ultra man geh > . <

Jackie said...

@jolyn minimanimanimo! LOL yea man nice seeing u as well :D no money on costume ahh

@henry hope too! :D

@kianfai sadly ultraman cant make it to Hollywood LOL

bendan said...

Hahahaha~ when I become sagua bendan one. Your photos all looks great here la, so nice!!

Funny Ken, always got SS pics one. ==" Purposely one izit?? >,<