A remake of the 2005 French film "Anthony Zimmer" starring Sophie Marceau, this Hollywood romance-thriller revolves around Frank (Johnny Depp), an American tourist visiting Italy to mend a broken heart. Elise (Angelina Jolie) is an extraordinary woman who deliberately crosses Frank's path in order to mislead all those who are following her former lover Alexander Pearce, a criminal wanted in 14 countries, who has stolen money from a gangster (Steven Berkoff) and who is being pursued by an agent (Paul Bettany). Against the breathtaking backdrop of Venice, Frank pursues a potential romance but soon finds himself the pursued as he and Elise are caught in a whirlwind of intrigue and danger.
What can i say? the movie trailer din convince me enuf to watch but then for d sake of watching movie to celebrate new year eve, i chose this movie. In d end it doesnt disappoint me! It was a great movie and funny as well! One of my favorite scene ould be when Johnny Depp smoke with his electronic cigarette XD. Anyway storyline wise got abit twist and turn which i kinda like it actually. Though d movie genre rate as Thriller, it actually wasnt a thriller at all -_-
Overall i started to love Johnny Depp! His character in this movie look very dumbo all d time XD
Oh btw i found the electronic cigarette he used in d movie after i did some googling around XP..it is cool, i also wan 1 now! XD
Anyway this movie is worth to watch ;)..catch it in cinema now! I wanna b tourist too now!
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