ok just joking..not this movie poster of coz..is this!
Another magical movie is on air soon! Season of the Witch! Nicolas Cage gonna look damn cool in this movie! Well i alwiz in love with magic and i keep wondering why in reality we dunno magic..sad :(
Courtesy to Nuffnang, all Nuffnanger are given chance to enjoy the premier screening on cinema. To win a pair of invitation, all we have to do is write a blog post titled “The Season of the Witch is Here” and share what scares you the most about witches.
Well for me, there are alot reason why i gonna scare of witches. Among those are :
It is sad that a powerless me getting keep bully by the ugly evil witch T3T...but i believe there is justice in this world. Evil will get punish! Good will rise and fight...Just like Nicolas Cage!
or mayb i can defeat her myself XD
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